PFM Reform Governance Structure

The National Treasury is the host of the PFM Reform Strategy and hence the PFM Reform Secretariat. The Programme is run through a governance structure comprising a high level PFM Sector Working Group, the Steering Committee (SC) and supported by a Technical Committee (TC). The PFM Sector Working Group (PFM-SWG) which is a forum for dialogue meets at least once a year to discuss PFM reforms policy issues and is chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury.
The Steering Committee (SC) on the other hand, meets at least twice a year to oversee and provide strategic policy guidance as well as review and monitor the implementation of the reform programme. It is chaired by the Principal Secretary to the National Treasury, who is ultimately responsible for the implementation of the reform programmes.
The Technical Committee is composed of the implementing agencies and representatives of DPs funding the Strategy. It is chaired by the Programme Coordinator, PFMR Secretariat. The Committee is responsible for technical monitoring and guidance of the reform programme and meets on a quarterly basis or as necessary.
Finally, at the operational level, a PFM Reforms Coordination Secretariat, headed by a PFM Reform Coordinator serves as a Secretariat to the PFM Sector Working Group, Steering Committee and the Technical Committee. The Secretariat develops and operationalizes the PFM Programme Operations Manual in order to provide an appropriate reform management routine, including administrative procedures to be followed by implementing agencies.
The Secretariat is headed by a Coordinator, who bears the overall responsibility for managing the Secretariat’s activities. A core team of staff responsible for programme management, monitoring, and evaluation and reporting; finance budgeting and resource management; strategic communications and legal reforms, supports the Coordinator.