
Kenya Devolution Support Programme

The Government of Kenya (GoK), through the Ministry of Devolution and Planning is implementing Kenya Devolution Support Programme (KDSP) with assistance from World Bank where the programme is designed to support the implementation of the National Capacity Building Framework (NCBF 2013).  The overall objective of the NCBF is to ensure the devolution process is smooth and seamless to safeguard the delivery of quality services to citizens.

KDSP is using Performance for Results (P for R) financing mechanism, which is an innovative financing mechanism that will support and incentivize county actions towards selected capacity building results. The program intends to support five Key Result Areas (KRAs) as defined in the Medium-Term Intervention (MTI) which are Public Finance Management; Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation; Human Resources and Performance Management; Devolution and Inter-Governmental Relations; and Civic Engagement and Public Participation. The program is supporting some of the National Institutions implementing NCBF which are the Ministry of Devolution and Planning (MoDP), National Treasury (NT), Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs (MOPSYGA) and Kenya School of Government (KSG) at the National level and

KDSP is supporting implementation of NCBF-MTI results through provision of USD 40 Million to help National Government to expand capacity support to counties and USD 160 Million as performance grant directly to counties supporting county level capacity building as well as specific investments. KDSP is to strengthen nationally executed capacity building as well as provide capacity and performance grants to counties for addressing their own emerging needs and demands. Consistent with the P for R nature of KDSP, the disbursements are directly linked to achievement of pre-defined tangible and verifiable results Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLI). The funding under KDSP is based on an annual assessment of these results. KDSP is to compliment devolution related capacity building programs by Introducing a Monitoring and Evaluation framework to assess progress towards NCBF outcomes, Strengthening the process by which counties identify capacity gaps, plan to address these gaps, and finance capacity building activities and Strengthening the process by which national government agencies help counties to address capacity gaps.
