Development Partners
The World Bank has been a key partner supporting reforms in Kenyan. The support is channeled through funding the implementation of PFM activities in Government. Among the World Bank reform programs are Kenya Devolution Support Programme (KDSP) which is designed to support the implementation of the National Capacity Building Framework (NCBF 2013) through the Ministry of Devolution and Planning.
The overall objective of the NCBF is to ensure the devolution process is smooth and seamless to safeguard the delivery of quality services to citizens. The programme is using Performance for Results (P for R) financing mechanism, which is an innovative financing mechanism that will support and incentivize county actions towards selected capacity building results.
World Bank also support Kenyan Government through Governance for Enabling Service Delivery and Public Investment in Kenya(GESDek) programme which is aligned to the PFMR 2018-2023 Strategy and is results based and is expected to run for five(5) years. - FRENCH DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) funds, supports and accelerates the transitions to a fairer and more sustainable world and has been a key partner supporting PFM Reforms in Kenya.
European Commission is supporting, the Public Accountability and Service Delivery (PASEDE) Programme which began on 20th April 2020 .The general objective of this Programme is to promote macro-fiscal stability, service delivery and poverty alleviation in Kenya. The specific objectives include; improved financial transfers to counties, enhanced revenue mobilization, improved business environment and better public investment management practices. This is in line with the main strategic reforms’ objective and the successful implementation of the PFM reform strategy (2018-2023).
The Sweden agency supports the implementation of PFMR 2018-2023 Strategy through financing of Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Programme (DWBI)-2014-2017 by Kenya Revenue Authority(KRA).
The overall objective of the project is to increase Tax Revenue and Tax Base and level of compliance with Tax Regulations through;
1. Improved Data on and Analysis of the Tax Payers
2. Increased efficiency in the Tax Administration
3. Identification and treatment of Risks
4. Increased Customer focus - ROYAL DANISH EMBASSY (DANIDA)
The Government of Denmark has been a key partner supporting PFM Reforms in Kenya. Under the previous Strategy the Government of Denmark (through DANIDA) supported public finance management reforms through a Contribution Agreement entered into by several Development Partners channeling their resources through a pooled basket fund that was administered by the World Bank.
The Development Partners are involved in the following:
- Dialogue on PFM Reform: This is led by the Chair PFM Development Partners Group supported by DP thematic leads. The dialogue focusses on achievements of key PFM Strategy results, formally through the PFMR Steering Committee and Joint Technical Committee and through interactions with result teams and lead MDAs.
- Financial support to Strategy implementation and capacity building: There are three broad categories of this support. First, budget support linked to the achievement of Strategy results is the preferred modality from the perspective of the Government of Kenya, as this gives greater flexibility to achieve the results in line with the Strategy. Secondly, direct support towards Strategy implementation channelled via the Secretariat, and support to the implementation of MDAs work plans. This still provides flexibility and transparency in the allocation of resources and expenditures. Thirdly, DPs may provide direct project support to implementing MDAs and Counties. However, the details of the support are to be provided to the Secretariat to ensure comprehensive reporting of reforms.
- Complementary flexible support for reform facilitation: Using this channel, DPs aim to support behavioural change through a problem based, collaborative and iterative approach to reform implementation. Support is focused on result teams and the Secretariat. The support is expected to be flexible, responsive, and timely and in the form of parallel provision of TA.
- The PFMR Secretariat and the PFM DPG Group, coordinate DP support to ensure complementarities and alignment with the Strategy.